The Villains
Iverial Djinn in the service of Baal
Iverial was a Cherub of Michael and the
closet friend of Matiel. Iverial temper and contempt for humanity
lead to her fall. She saw Michael as an overbearing father and
Baal as the generous uncle who gave her the freedom to do what
she needed. During the war in Heaven she made the choice to fight
for the forces of Hell. She didn't consider humanity something
worth saving but to be exploited. Although she feels something
special for Matiel she knows that it will never be.`
Konda Shedim in the service of Kobal
Konda was a friend to the group.
A mute reliever, when the war broke out in Heaven he was swept up and twisted by the forces of Lucifer. His mind warped by the
trauma of watching those he called friends fight against one
another tore his soul apart making it malleable for the Light bringer to shape as he saw fit.
The master of all servant to
none. He bows to no one. The great Blasphemer. Lucifer fathered
the fall and looks to drag humanity down into the pit. The Light bringer has sworn only to bring darkness to the world